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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  fring151 Wed Nov 27, 2013 6:16 am

The reason for this thread is simple - too much good stuff getting lost in the 'Anything about IR...' thread. So how about a thread exclusively for sharing 'important' interviews of musicians who have worked with him, really insightful blog articles/videos etc? Among other things that most definitely fall outside the scope of the thread are opinions of most Kolly/Bolly people on IR's music, regardless of how much they gush about him. People posting links to Kushboo tweets on IR will be ridiculed.  Exceptions like Kamal and Mysskin are permitted as they often have interesting things to say. So here is a repost of the Pt Baalesh's interview in Solvanam which has already been discussed a few times here.

Among the best interviews I've read:

பிற இசையமைப்பாளர்களுக்கும் இவருடைய இசையமைப்புக்கும் பெரிய வித்தியாசம் இருக்கிறது. அவர் பிடிகள், நுணுக்கங்களெல்லாம் சாதாரண ரசிகர்களும் ரசிக்கும் வகையில் எளிமையாகத் தெரிந்தாலும், அவை வாசிப்பதற்குக் கஷ்டமானவை. ஒரு Bar-இல் நான்கு நோட்ஸ் எழுதியிருக்கிறார் என்றால், ஒரு நோட்டுக்கும் இன்னொரு நோட்டுக்கும் இடையே இருக்கும் அசைவுகள் வெவ்வேறாக இருக்கும். அதேபோல ஒரு Bar-க்கும், அடுத்த Bar-க்கும் நோட்களின் அசைவுகள் வெவ்வேறாக இருக்கும். அதைப் புரிந்துகொண்டால்தான் சரியாக வாசிக்கமுடியும்.
பொதுவாக ஷெனாயை வீணை அல்லது தபேலாவைப் பின்னணியாக வைத்துதான் இசையமைப்பார்கள். ஆனால்  ஷெனாயை, மிருதங்கம்ட்ரம்ஸ்தவில்வயலின்கிதார் போன்ற எல்லா இசைக்கருவிகளோடும் ஒலிக்கவைத்தார். சொல்லிக்காட்டவே முடியாத பல வித்தியாசமான தாளகதிகளின் பின்னணியிலும் ஷெனாயைப் பயன்படுத்தியிருக்கிறார். புல்லாங்குழலோடு ஷெனாயை வாசிக்க முடியும் என்று யாராவது சொல்லியிருந்தால் நான் சிரித்திருப்பேன். ஆனால் ஒரு பாட்டில் ஷெனாய், புல்லாங்குழல் இரண்டையும் பயன்படுத்தினார். - See more at:
ஷெனாயை ஆண் குரல் போலவும், அது கேள்வி கேட்பதாகவும், புல்லாங்குழல் பெண்குரலில் பதில் சொல்வதைப் போலவும் ஒரு கற்பனை அது. ஏதோ ஒரு பாட்டின் இடையிசையில் வரும் சிறிய துணுக்குதான் அது. ஆனால் அதையும் அத்தனை நுணுக்கமாகத்தான் செய்கிறார். ஆனால் அவர் இசைக்குறிப்புகளை எழுதுவதைப் பார்த்தால் அவர் அதற்காக மெனக்கெடுவது போலவே தோன்றாது. எல்லா கஷ்டமும் வாசிக்கும் நமக்குதான்.  [சிரிக்கிறார்.] - See more at:
Fantastic points!! The first one actually explains why people don't necessarily associate IR's music with instrumental virtuosity because it sounds so simple, but is NOT. It is just that the virtuosity and musicianship is underplayed and not attention seeking.

Last two show the deep understanding he has of the instruments for which he writes music. A very crucuial point which sets him apart from the pretenders.

I am unable to find the trombone player interview which was discussed here a while ago. Someone please do a repost of that.

Last edited by fring151 on Thu Nov 28, 2013 4:19 am; edited 2 times in total


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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  rajkumarc Wed Nov 27, 2013 10:38 am

Interview by the trombone player Blasco Monsorate - Raaja specific portions are page 2 & 3.


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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  fring151 Thu Nov 28, 2013 4:19 am

Ah thanks Rajkumar Smile


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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  fring151 Fri Nov 29, 2013 10:07 am

Another repost. This time a fascinating three part account of a discerning fan's meeting with Raja. Many interesting things here, including reference to the rare mandolin Srinivas -IR carnatic album which apparently even IR didn't have a copy of Shocked ...and the blogger presented his CD to him. I wonder why he is so remiss about his own work, especially one which the fan obviously seems to hold in such high regard!thinking And anyone here own a copy or heard those tracks or know where to find them? I had no luck with google.

Edit: I take that back. I found it on! Hearing now.


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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  Drunkenmunk Fri Nov 29, 2013 10:47 am

fring151 wrote:Another repost. This time a fascinating three part account of a discerning fan's meeting with Raja. Many interesting things here, including reference to the rare mandolin Srinivas -IR carnatic album which apparently even IR didn't have a copy of Shocked
Arul Thavazhum is an Ilayaraaja keerthanai he did for his Ramana Maharishi album, Guru Ramana Geetham in 2006. So I'm guessing this is Mandolin Srinivas tracks of assorted Raaja composed songs in various devotional albums. It also had a stupid cover of Raaja in a Brahminical portrait:

I see it is distributed by AVM. Also, from this blog, it is evident that IR did not know about his songs being marketed thus at all. A friend of mine said that IR ordered raids on AVM soundscape sometime around 2007 and from then on, you don't find a single IR album in AVM audios. This is often spoken off as IR's pettiness but I think this is a highly possible other version as to why he ordered a raid on AVM.

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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  fring151 Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:00 am

I have seen the album being talked about elsewhere, in the context of Semmangudi's speech on IR (which the cover you posted has). Wiki says this about the album: "He has composed a set of Carnatic kritis that was recorded by electric mandolinist U. Srinivas for the album Ilayaraaja's Classicals on the Mandolin(1994)."

So I assume it was exclusively composed for the mandalin. Maybe he reused it in Guru Ramana Geetham?


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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  Drunkenmunk Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:02 am

fring151 wrote:I have seen the album being talked about elsewhere, in the context of Semmangudi's speech on IR (which the cover you posted has). Wiki says this about the album: "He has composed a set of Carnatic kritis that was recorded by electric mandolinist U. Srinivas for the album Ilayaraaja's Classicals on the Mandolin(1994)."

So I assume it was exclusively composed for the mandalin. Maybe he reused it in Guru Ramana Geetham?
aah news to me. Highly possible. The raaga link did not have the date and hence I wasn't sure Smile

The song in GRG:

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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  fring151 Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:15 am

Yes, I think it is one of those rare albums that never made it to a music store. Btw, a google search for Ilayaraja Mandolin srinivas, yielded this in the 2nd page.

App saar's outburst is hilarious Laughing , though he neglected to mention Vijaykumar, Manual. but seriously the Maayakannaadi album cover is appalling Shocked .


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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  Drunkenmunk Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:09 pm

What a fabulous interview! Heard most of the songs and some of the insights were new, like the chords preceding the melody in Pani Vizhum Poo Nilavil. I've shared the song in my blog but had nothing like this to say because I was not aware. That's how it is with Raaja. You enthusiastically want to introduce most of his great, rare songs but you stop there. There is a depth of music one is not aware of. Also, IR's views on karuna rasam being relative and not absolute and going on to give the example of a killer (take Ulle Veliye, a porukki experiences love. andha karunaikki Charukesi la song) and take the example of Shankaracharya (Aadal Kalaiye Devan Thandhadhu, just that it is Raghavendra). We wonder how he uses the same raga for sammandhame illaadha situations and he gives the answer. He approaches from the emotion of the character and the precise emotion's quality and quantity vary based on the character's maturity. Wow! Wow! Wow!

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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  fring151 Sun Dec 01, 2013 2:13 am

Drunkenmunk wrote:Also, IR's views on karuna rasam being relative and not absolute and going on to give the example of a killer (take Ulle Veliye, a porukki experiences love. andha karunaikki Charukesi la song) and take the example of Shankaracharya (Aadal Kalaiye Devan Thandhadhu, just that it is Raghavendra). We wonder how he uses the same raga for sammandhame illaadha situations and he gives the answer. He approaches from the emotion of the character and the precise emotion's quality and quantity vary based on the character's maturity. Wow! Wow! Wow!
Fascinating right? If only TV interviewers had the brains to ask such questions, more people will get to hear such insights as opposed to irritated responses to stupid questions.


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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  rajkumarc Tue Dec 03, 2013 5:26 am

Thanks fring for sharing this 3-part interview. I have read this a while back but couldn't find it after that. This one should be preserved for posterity, a simply fascinating interview that's a must read for any IR fan.


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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  fring151 Fri Dec 06, 2013 10:31 am

Raja demonstrating counterpoint, describing working with MSV etc in an old concert (in Malaysia?). Brilliant stuff. Gangai Amaran and he are great together on stage. A young gorgeous Chitra too!


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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  Drunkenmunk Fri Dec 06, 2013 10:51 am

fring151 wrote:Raja demonstrating counterpoint, describing working with MSV etc in an old concert (in Malaysia?). Brilliant stuff. Gangai Amaran and he are great together on stage. A young gorgeous Chitra too!

Yeah I guess. Uploader our Bala (Karthik) Smile

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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  fring151 Fri Dec 06, 2013 11:00 am

drunkenmunk wrote:Yeah I guess. Uploader our Bala (Karthik) Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Icon_smile
Ah nice to know Smile .

The most cool2  level brilliant stuff in the 1st video is how he devised a (almost definitely) spontaneous conterpoint example with poetry incorporated to drive home the point to Vaali.


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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  Drunkenmunk Fri Dec 06, 2013 11:22 am

fring151 wrote:
drunkenmunk wrote:Yeah I guess. Uploader our Bala (Karthik) Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Icon_smile
Ah nice to know Smile .

The most cool2  level brilliant stuff in the 1st video is how he devised a (almost definitely) spontaneous conterpoint example with poetry incorporated to drive home the point to Vaali.
Actually Singapore. Says Kallang Theater, S'pore in the description Smile and it is endlessly fascinating that he chose a musical/lyrical counterpoint to get a counterpoint in the form of lyrics when the situation would not have known such a form existed. Raaja knew counterpoint and used it and also explained it to Vaali. wowza!

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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  vicks Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:31 am

watch how Ilayaraja interprets Bach music in Carnatic form, mindblowing! (also I think there are two Raagas here - the first part (high notes) and then the second part (lower notes))


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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  Drunkenmunk Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:58 pm

Re-posting from the Anything on IR on net -2's thread.

1. Posted a twitlonger collecting excerpts from IR's book, Paal Nila Paadhai. Reproducing it here:

I wrote:

@nom_d_plum As promised yesterday. Excerpts from Paal Nila Paadhai.

I found IR's reasoning for his arrogance quite interesting. Sharing from a few chapters. I enjoyed the book and highly recommend it to every IR fan. It is an autobiography of sorts, with anecdotal accounts. His early life, Pannaipuram, life with brothers Bhaskar and Pavalar Varadarajan, life of a coolie laborer in Pannaipuram, his mother, Master Dhanraj, MSV, an entire final chapter on memories with Sivaji and his irudhi oorvalam (IR (not minding his high fever and doc's instructions to be in the bed, says he has wept this much only for his brother Pavalar), Kamal, Rajni and Vijayakanth accompanying the body with Bharathiraja joining later, enakku mei silirthu pOchu with IR's description of the final oorvalam and almost kaN kalangal; one true கலைஞன்'s words on another from his heart). Kavitha Publications, 8, Masilamani Street, Pondy Bazaar, T Nagar. Ph: 24364243, 24322177 is where you get this book(I got this with 4 other books (5 in all) by IR as one book titled "Yaarukku Yaar Ezhudhuvadhu" from the recent Chennai book fair. This and Sangeedha Kanavugal are autobios. Other 3 are poetry collections).

On to the excerpts. IR on his arrogance:

டைரக்டர் ஸ்ரீதர் அவர்கள், எனக்கும் பாரதிராஜாவுக்கும் அண்ணன் பாஸ்கருக்கும் மிகவும் பிடிக்கும். அவருடைய படங்கள் -- முதல் நாள் முதல் காட்சியிலேயே பார்த்து விடுவோம்.

அப்படிப்பட்ட ஸ்ரீதர் அவர்கள் 'இளமை ஊஞ்சலாடுகிறது' படத்திற்கு என்னை இசையமைக்க அழைத்தபோது அதிர்ச்சியாகி விட்டேன். மகிழ்ச்சிக்குப் பதிலாக அதிர்ச்சி? என்று நினைப்பீர்கள்! அதுவரைக்கும் ஸ்ரீதர் சாரோடு M.S.V அண்ணன் 58 திரைப்படங்களுக்கு இசையமைத்தார் என்பதை அவர்கள் இருவரும் மறந்திருக்கலாம். ஆனால், நான் குறித்து வைத்திருக்கிறேன். என் நெஞ்சில்! எந்த ஒரு படத்தின் இசையும் மட்டம் என்று தள்ளிவிட முடியாது.

அப்படிப்பட்ட M.S.Vயை வேண்டாம் என்று சொல்ல அவர் இசை காரணமாக இருக்க முடியாது. என்னிடம் வருவதற்கும் என் இசை காரணமில்லை. இரண்டிற்கும் நடுவில் ஏதோ இருக்கிறதென்றும், ஜனங்கள் என்னை விரும்புகிறார்கள் என்றும் மனதில் உறுத்தியது. அடடா! என்னடா. இந்த விவஸ்தைகெட்ட சினிமா உலகம்? இதோடு நான் எப்படி ஒத்து போவது? இன்னும் கொஞ்சம் சினிமாவை தூரமாக்கி இசையை மட்டும் அருகில் வைத்துக்கொண்டேன்.

He briefly digresses and comes back to the point by saying he tried to move away from Sridhar after "Azhage Unnai Aaraadhikkiren" and tried to send him away saying he's busy, etc. but Sridhar was saying it'll take you only a few hours to finish composing for the entire film, what is the big deal. Raaja kept procrastinating and Sridhar finally got fed and told him after 6 visits that he's not done this waiting to even MGR and Sivaji.

Raaja: என்ன சொல்றீங்க? ஆறு தடவ நான் உங்கள வர சொல்லவே இல்லையே? அதிர்ந்து போன அவர், இருந்தாலும் கோபத்தை கொஞ்சம் குறைத்து கொண்டு "ராஜா, ஒரே composing, நான்கு மணி நேரம் போதும் எனக்கு" என்று தொடங்கினார்.

நான் இடைமறித்தேன். "சார், ஸ்ரீதர் அவர்கள் படத்தில் பாடல் சரியில்லை என்று சொன்னால், ரசிகர்கள் ஸ்ரீதர் பாடல் சரியில்லை என்று சொல்வார்களா, இல்லை என் படலை சரி இல்லை என்பார்களா?"

"இல்ல ராஜா!"

"சார் இதுவரைக்கும் 58 படங்களுக்கு MSV அண்ணன் உங்களுக்கு இசையமைத்திருக்கிறார். அதில் ஒரு பாட்டும் சோடையில்ல! அப்படி இருக்க உங்க குறிப்பிட்ட நேரத்துக்குள்ள, எதையோ record செய்து கொடுத்து ரசிகர்கள் கிட்ட திட்டு வாங்க நான் தயாரா இல்ல. தயவு செய்து படத்துக்கு வேறு யாரையாவது வெச்சு முடிச்சுக்குங்க, என்ன மன்னிச்சுருங்க" என்று சொல்லி மறுத்துவிட்டேன். பாஸ்கரும் அமரும் பாரதிராஜாவும் "உனக்கு ரொம்ப மண்டைக்கர்வம்" என்று திட்டினார்கள். ஆமாம் மண்டைக்கர்வம் தான்! அன்று இரவு மகிழ்ச்சியாக தூங்கினேன்.

He also tells in a different place (unable to spot now) that he decided to use this facade of arrogance since the industry that threw MSV away for him would some day throw him away for someone else. "Why should I respect them for a position which is not permanent?" is his philosophy as I understand.

I say facade because he shares an incident with painter Shilpi of whom IR was a big fan of since his Pannaipuram days via Ananda Vikatan paintings. Now a big composer, he decides to use Shilpi to paint Mookambika's vigraham from Kollur and place it in his pooja room and sends his asst. Asst comes back saying Shilpi won't work and that he spoke arrogantly about Raaja in ஏகவசனம் and said IR is just another cinema guy and to paint, he quoted an exorbitant amount. IR says he felt Shilpi is an artiste not different from him who uses this facade of arrogance to shoo away commercially inclined people. To prove to Shilpi that he is not just a cinema guy, IR agrees to the exorbitant amount. Shilpi is shocked. IR later visits Shilpi in person, tells he is a big fan and begins talking about the dichotomy in art. A dichotomy where an artist(e) will readily give any piece of creation close to his heart to a ரசிகன் who can appreciate the art truly for free and a ரசிகன் who would give any amount to a piece of art he considers priceless if he has the means. In his own words, "ஓர் உயர்ந்த படைப்பை, உணரும் ரசனை ஒன்றே போற்றத்தக்கது!" Shilpi is impressed, they begin chatting, become good friends in minutes and Shilpi agrees to paint Mookambika.

This tells me IR's arrogance is a facade for the commercial world. Creator's pride imo is different from this facade of arrogance he wears. His creator's pride is permanent. His arrogance is a mask. Because he did not mind Shilpi abusing him here.

I shall collect his anecdotes on Masters' views on him soon and twitlong it later in the day.

Forgot a few lines from Kamal's forward which I added later in tweets:

Kamal wrote:
இந்த பிள்ளைக்கி இசை தெரிந்த அளவு சமூக சாதுர்யம் தெரியாது. அந்த சாதுர்யம் தனக்கில்லை, என்ற விமர்சனத்துக்கு அஞ்சி வேடிக்கை மனிதர் கூட்டத்தில் சேராமல் கர்வமாய் தவழ்கிறது. சத்தியமாய் இந்த குழந்தைக்கி வியாபாரம் தெரியாது. ஆனால் கறாரான வியாபாரி போல் நடிக்கும். நடிப்பில் என்னளவு தேர்ச்சி இல்லாததால் குட்டு வெளிப்பட்டு குழம்பும்.
That's all yuvar aanar Smile

2. One more twitlonger. IR on the Masters and Masters on IR:

I wrote:
@icarusprakash @nom_d_plum @sagittarian82 @balakarthik78 IR on Masters and Masters on him.

IR speaks highly about Master Dhanraj (MD) and says only MD can understand his own research. MD researched the musical aspects of Silappadhigaaram and would swear that Kovalan sang this song in this chapter in this raaga and had researched stuff to prove himself. IR says MD made him teach the students when IR was quite new to Dhanraj's class and IR learnt from what he taught students. Normally MD takes classes 1 hr classes 2 days a week for one student. idhu maari neraya students in different stages of music (theory, instrumentation practicals) come to him to face exams, become better musicians all the week. IR asked if he could come everyday. MD agreed and taught IR for free and IR says MD brought Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, Tchaikovsky every day to the room. Very early in his tutelage, MD asks him to play on the piano and gives him training to differentiate a piano from a harmonium. IR plays an MSV song before scores of students. MD is impressed with the composition and says (I quote from the book here): "See the first phrase! - This is a Question. See the answer! Yes second phrase. It is perfect form of music" என்று theoretical ஆக விளக்கினார். The song is Enna Enna VaarthaigaLO from Vennira Aadai. IR says his respect for MSV went up several notches.

But otherwise, MD was very critical on film composers and would abuse them to heart's content. MSV, KVM, GK Venkatesh, no one escaped his anger. IR says he fell for it briefly but as he was assisting GKV, he got a chance to play for MSV one day and seeing MSV teach every instrumentalist (IR played combo organ for Malar enna en kangal dhaan from Sridhar's Avalukkendru Oru Manam) the notes for their portion and saw that he taught every musician by playing the music from his mouth in 45 minutes. His respect for MSV went up several notches there and he says he felt ashamed that he rated him low with MD's words. MD has the right for he understands Bach, Beethoven, Mozart and compares the film musicians with them and abuses them. But what right do I have, wonders Raaja, who from then on started to revere MSV, who was already a favorite of his. MD also despised IR for entering films and when IR missed a class due to a recording with GKV, MD abused him and refused to teach him for his exam in Trinity College of Music, London, which held its exams in Chennai. IR's self pride hurt after a point of abuse, challenged MD that he'd score 85% (honors) and will only then meet MD. He taught himself to play the instruments and was ready. Theory was a problem since IR hardly knew any English then. Yet, he says the music taught through English made itself clear and he somehow educated himself. And he scored 85%, went with that certificate to MD who eventually exclaimed, "Raaja, you are really great da!"

IR's anecdotes on Naushad, John and Laszlo Kovach are impressive too. Will quote their praises from IR's pen and say what IR thinks of self praise.

IR says he likes CR Subburaman and MSV the most among all old Tamil composers though he respects all. He learns CRS's composition style is based on Naushad's and that increases his respect for Naushad. But also adds CRS did not lose his individuality. Says Naushad, Khmechandra Prakash and Hanslal Bhagatram (under whom Naushad played piano) were the trio that laid the foundations of IFM. Also rates C Ramachandra (SD Burman's mentor, composer of Aye Mere Watan Ke which is unfortunately known as a Lata Mangeshkar song today), Madan Mohan, Roshan, Shankar Jaikishen, OP Nayyar, SDB, Vasant Desai and RDB very highly and each has their own signatures according to IR, something that is missing today, he feels. Goes on to his interactions with Naushad and him sharing his How To Name It with Naushad and inviting him to preside over the launch of Nothing But Wind. Naushad speaks, MSV, Hariprasad Chaurasia, Uttam Singh are on stage. PB Srinivas translates Naushad's Hindi into Tamil for the audience. At one stage, PBS stops, shocked and refuses to translate what Naushad says since he cannot accept Naushad's words. On to Raaja now:

நௌஷாத் அவர்களோ PB ஸ்ரீனிவாஸ் அவர்களை விடவில்லை!
No! No!
This is my true feeling!
You are a translator!
Please do your duty - என்றார்.
PBS மிகவும் தயக்கத்துடன் இழுத்துப்பேச ஆரம்பித்தார்.
விஷயம் இது தான்:
"இளையராஜாவிடம் நெறைய விஷயங்கள் இருக்கின்றன. எனக்கு உடல் நிலை சரியாக இருந்து, நேரமும் இருக்குமானால், இந்த இளைஞனிடம் உட்கார்ந்து கற்று கொள்வதற்கு நான் தயங்க மாட்டேன்." என்றார்.

மற்றவர்கள் என்ன நினைக்கிறார்களோ அறியேன்! இசையென்றால் என்னவென்று அறியாத இந்த பட்டிக்காட்டானிடம், இசை கற்றுக் கொள்ளலாம் என்று கூறிய என் முன்னோடிகளில் முக்கியமானவரான திரு. நௌஷாத் அவர்களின் பாராட்டுக்கள் என்னை மேலும் உற்சாகத்தில் ஆழ்த்துவதற்கு பதிலாக சிறிய புழுவாக்கி விட்டது!

Speaks highly of Naushad, C Ramachandra in other chapters too. He then goes on to talk in detail about Hey Ram which was the first time he went to Budapest to record (Guru la he brought a few Budapest Symphony orchestra people to Chennai to record). He thanks Kamal for arranging it and says it was entirely Kamal's endeavor. Speaks about L Subrahmanyam-Kamal's difference and him doing the film. All this we know. But Kamal and Sarika wanted to share this composition with LS and IR's over the film as a video with the public but IR refuses. He doesn't mind him being praised but doesn't want people to think low of L Subramaniam. Adds he suggested Isaiyil Thodangudhamma as that was not in the screenplay before and Kamal agreed saying the song was hidden in the screenplay and it was the screenplay's magic there that brought this song from IR. Chandrahassan weeps listening to it.

Fast forward to Laszlo Kovach. He calls Laszlo to Chennai to read the symphony score for Hey Ram's BGM and to suggest any possible corrections and Laszlo comes with his wife, Monika. Laszlo reads the score, says it's very good and suggests some very minor corrections which IR changes and writes right there. IR takes Laszlo, tells him the film's tale (LS to IR) and plays LS's version of Nee Paartha Paarvaikki. Laszlo enjoys it and immensely appreciates LS. IR then plays his version over the video. Laszlo goes silent. And leaves. On to IR: "You didn't tell me anything about my song? It is not good? I want to know your true opinion about my composition. Even if you don't like it!" என்று எனக்குத் தெரிந்த ஆங்கிலத்தில் கேட்டேன்.

நடந்துக்கொண்டிருந்த அவர் நின்றுவிட்டார். சிறிது யோசித்து (அவருடைய ஆங்கிலத்தில் அப்படியே எழுதுகிறேன்)

No it's not like that. சிறிய இடைவெளி. பின் தொடர்ந்தார்,

Anyone can write music for the same situation, and even I can also write!
கொஞ்சம் அழுத்தமாக...
But not this music!... Not this!!!
I have travelled all over the world, and I have studied, and conducted the great Master's compositions in various concerts. I could find through your music, that "you have not struggled for ideas... The Music is coming to you and it flows without effort." I am sure you are a "very special composer" in the Music world - that is all I can say - என்றார்.

IR adds these people know their music and do not appreciate a composer to satisfy him. If they don't like it, they would say it's ok... and then drag with words like but and so on. So he considers it special praise.

As they were recording Hey Ram in Budapest, he says Laszlo can imagine the overall music with every instrument sound in his head by reading the score on paper. IR writes a score where there is a lengthy pause on a single note for a sustained duration to create a certain impact in the viewer's mind. But for the musicians playing, they'd get bored. IR hence writes it as chords (musicians will play different notes but the overall sound of the music THEY ALL PLAY will sound like a single continuous note). Laszlo says, "It is a good style of writing." IR: "But I am not formally trained to write." Laszlo: "That is the real greatness." The musicians while playing looked at each other in amazement because they were able to realize immediately that though were playing different notes, the FINAL sound was one continuous note. IR then asks Monika her account. Monika says Laszlo did not let her sleep the night they met IR and was raving about IR all night and he has done that to anyone else.

IR then speaks about the BGM score of Lajja. He again goes to Budapest to record it with the symphony. In Chennai, same formality with Laszlo. Superlatives from Laszlo and at the title score, he feels it will be fun playing it with the orchestra. IR then writes another melody. Over to IR:
Laszlo: 'This is something wonderful! - more personal and emotional unfulfilled longing is there.'
அந்த melody-ஐ வாங்கி, முதலில் எழுதிய Title Musicஐ cancel செய்து விட்டு (90 பேருக்கு எழுதிய orchestra அது). மறுபடியும் புதிய melodyக்கு அரை மணி நேரத்தில் எழுதி கொடுத்துவிட்டேன். ஆச்சர்யப்பட்டு போனார்.

Fast forward to Budapest. Symphony orchestra plays the film's full score, are very appreciative and finally come to the title score. As they finish playing, they are amazed at the depth of the score for mere arial shots of New York night's skyline. The orchestra then applaud and present him with a book titled 'Opera' as a token of their appreciation. Raaja's words:

அவர்களுக்கு நன்றி சொல்லி நான் பேசும்பொழுது, நீங்கள் வாசித்த அத்தனை இசையும் பத்தே நாட்களில் எழுதப்பட்டது என்றேன். அனைவரும் 90 விதமான உணர்வுகளை வெளிப்படுத்தினார்கள். ஒரு பெண் தன் வயலினைக் கீழே விட்டுவிட்டாள். இன்னொரு Lady, Oh! My God... என்று கத்தினார். இன்னுமொருவர் This is not humanly possible என்று கைகளை ஆட்டினார். பலர் வாதியங்களாலே கை தட்டினார்கள்.
Laszlo: yes it's true! I was personally there. He is a very fast and qualified composer.
But I am an illiterate... உங்களைப்போல் நான் எந்த இசை பயிற்சியும் இல்லாதவன், ஒரு பட்டிக்காட்டான் என்றேன்.
இன்னும் ஆச்சர்யத்தின் உச்சிக்கே சென்றுவிட்டார்கள்.

Laszlo, privately later: Raaja, what we recorded in these 5 days. It is really Hollywood standard of Music. But it's too much for your Bollywood என்றார்.

இதைப்போல் தன்னைப் பற்றி தானே பீத்திக் கொள்வதைத் தடுப்பதற்காகத்தான் பத்திரிகைப் பேட்டி, TV interviewக்களை தவிர்த்து வந்தேன் (wrote this in 2001, hence very true for that time).

நமது பழந்தமிழ் நூல்களில் கூரப்பட்ட ஒருசெய்தி நினைவுக்கு வந்தது. இறைவன் தன்னைப் பற்றி தன் அடியார்களுக்கு அவனே தெரிவிக்கவில்லை என்றால் அடியார்களுக்கு அவனை பற்றி அறிய வாய்ப்பே இல்லாது போய்விடும்; அதனால் இறைவன் தன் அருமை பெருமைகளை தானே சொல்வதுப்போல், கல்வியில் புலமைமிக்கவர், கல்வி அறிவில்லாதவர்கள் மத்தியில், தங்கள் கல்வி புலமையை தாங்களே அறிவிப்பதில் தவறே இல்லை. அப்பிடி அறிவிக்காவிட்டால் ஒன்றும் அறியாதவர்களுக்கு கல்வியின் அருமைகள் எப்படித் தெரியும்? என்று குறிப்பிட்டு உ.வே.சா. ஐயர் எழுதியதை நான் படிக்க நேர்ந்ததால், நானும் என்னைப் பற்றி சொல்லிவிட்டால், உங்களுக்கும் உலகிற்கும் தெரியாது போய் விடுமே என்ற காரணத்தால் மேற்கண்ட செய்தி குப்பைகளை உங்கள் மேல் கொட்ட வேண்டியதாயிற்று.

பிழை இருப்பின் மன்னிக்க!
பிழை இருப்பின் என்ன?

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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  ravinat Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:41 pm

Great perspective. This puts a lot of his public interaction in perspective. Folks like JV must read this - he tried to create an unnecessary storm over Raja's interview before the London concert in FB.


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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  V_S Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:20 pm

Thanks a lot DM for your effort in putting it together. Reserved to read tonight Smile

Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth - Pablo Picasso

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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  rajkumarc Sat Feb 08, 2014 4:13 am

Thanks very much DM for posting about the excerpts from IR's book. Very intriguing read and helps us to understand various aspects of Maestro's music and personality. I will definitely try to get hold of the books. I agree that every fan should read this book.


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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  V_S Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:38 pm

Read it. Thanks again DM.

First question. How did Sridhar sir convince IR to do music for his films when Raja outright rejected his offer?
Loved all the anecdotes of Hey Ram music. We know that this is humanly impossible task of re-doing the whole film when another music director already did most of the work. After hearing from Laszlo, it not only increases our affection Maestro and music, it also raises a question if our country really knows how to appreciate true art and genius, when they flag their recognition for mediocrity (and much less) without fail.

Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth - Pablo Picasso

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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  Drunkenmunk Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:42 pm

V_S wrote:Read it. Thanks again DM.

First question. How did Sridhar sir convince IR to do music for his films when Raja outright rejected his offer?

I've heard from Santhanabharathi and P Vasu that it was they who convinced Sridhar to go to IR for Ilamai Oonjalaadugiradhu and Sridhar said as much to IR and also spoke of how he drove SB and PV out of his office when they suggested he work with IR (anyone other than MSV here). Sridhar then gave it thought and went to IR. IR would have factored this to do 2 films is my humble opinion. Soundaryame Varuga Varuga had Vijayabhaskar's music. Then he came to IR again for Ninaivellaam Nithya and then SPB for Thudikkum KarangaL (IR rejected again? I don't know). Then fully IR only in Tamil.

IR also mentions he let MSV know after rejecting Sridhar. So it is possible MSV possibly prevailed to convince IR that it is not a slight on him. But all that is speculation.

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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  V_S Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:50 pm

Thanks DM for the explanation. I too think MSV had a role there that he didn't have any issues. It would be interesting to know that part also how he got convinced from IR himself.

Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth - Pablo Picasso

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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  Drunkenmunk Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:54 pm

IR simply says "MSV anna 'appidiyA? appidiyA?' nu kettukittAr" when MSV came to IR's home for Navarathri soon after the incident. This after IR rejecting Sridhar for Soundaryame Varuga Varuga. Not sure if MSV had any role later in convincing IR for the later projects. I meant it is possible to assume MSV might have said it's ok to IR. But these will remain just that. Assumptions. Sorry ought to have been clearer earlier.

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Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews  Empty Re: Must read/must see IR related articles and interviews

Post  Drunkenmunk Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:18 pm

Uploaded a 50 minute video of SPB interviewing Ilayaraaja for DD, circa 1996

Must watch for every mafia! Pure Gold!

Last edited by Drunkenmunk on Tue May 12, 2015 2:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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