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Megha / மேகா

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Megha / மேகா Empty Megha / மேகா

Post  sagi Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:18 pm

I think its a better idea to group the posts related to Megha in a separate thread. Please post your views.


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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  Drunkenmunk Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:55 pm

Well started. Heard Chellam Konjam only. michatha kEttutu varrEn night kaa. Chellam Konjam's harmony is superb. The rhythm pattern, especially the drums are terrific. The orchestration in charanams is THE Raaja. Still not too convinced about Yuvar.

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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  Drunkenmunk Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:11 pm

Kalvane Kalvane is ZOMFGNewAgeJazzThatBlowsYourMindAndThisGuyIsFucking70AndICantEffingBelieveIt levels.

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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  rajkumarc Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:21 pm

I couldn't resist purchasing Megha (from Google Play) after the initial teaser's and Fring's post in the New Albums thread. I just listened to all the songs once. The whole album is an orchestral delight and please try your first listen in a nice sound system, you are sure to be mightily impressed. Need more listens to comprehend what's been offered.

Kalvane Kalavane first listen had a similar effect like when listening to Mudhal Murai in NEPV where the songs shakes you completely. Jazz & WCM elements in the song and the way they are stitched together is unbelievable.


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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  kiru Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:23 am

Awesome.. awesome.. this is NEPV +++ ..some songs have a parallel too .. jeevane jeevanE == mudhal murai. MugilO mEghamO .. is saRRu munbu .. Not exact tunes but arrangements etc.  
Balki is going to be thrilled hearing this .. and would want IR to beat this for him :-)
Nobody should make romantic epics without IR any more !!!
(I am listening on Spotify..upgraded to Premium somehow it went back to Free ..maybe credit card expired.. Thought there was some problem with the vocals.. but in the high resolution/premium version I dont hear it)
Gokul.. one more show-case album for your system !!
Madhan.. make some time from your work for sending these CDs out ..:-)
(That Italian fan should have a good recording of his fav. But Anitha is not necessarily a mainstream singer )


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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  writeface Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:42 am

Kiru, You are quite right about that:)

Don't bother with Spotify, buy it from iTunes. [I have a half a mind to request raja4ever vinod do some further mod-s to the audio;)]
To me Megha & NEPV are two peas in a pod. Kalvane is super duper jazzy and I love it! 
Arrangements in both Megha and NEPV always remind me of Niram Piriththu from Time..



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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  V_S Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:13 am

Megha - Can't have enough of it. Handful, mouthful, ears-full, tearful, most of all soulful.  First of all recording quality (iTunes) is outstanding. Still I have to listen to CD. First impression - Breath-taking! I only got hang of mugilO mEghamO so far. Others pretty much just one listen so far. Have to go to them soon, but this one is not leaving me. Thought of expressing what I feel about this song, first impression that is! I have not put my focus on lyrics and other technical aspects much so far. May be in next.
Could not come to any conclusion on any single genre as it has multitude of genres and soundscapes. What a fantastic opening to the soundtrack! Big song - 6 minutes, yahoo! Prelude is just indescribable. Just this prelude alone is enough to blast off any song which comes near its path. I would have rewind this prelude alone 'n' number of times. The violin tremolos & piano and that soothing humming, how to even describe that.  Raja's signature violins and cellos following the pallavi tune is just amazing. The anu-pallavi going from high to abrupt baritone (நீயோ நானோ இரு ஜீவன் ஒன்றே) in just two bars is the stunning highlight and the soul of the song. So sugary tune! Only thing is, the words/tune is not clearly audible there due to overpowering orchestration. When he drops the 'ஒன்று/ஒன்றே' if there were no (or minimal) instruments, it would have highlighted the sweetness more, in contrast, just my thought.
There comes the interludes which is no way inferior to any NEPV interludes. First interlude with synthesizer, piano, sweeping cellos, flute comes in takes us completely. Then piano playing the same tune and that chromatic finish of the interlude with piano. Second interlude is driven mainly by violin staccatos. It is unbelievable how he has pulled off this interlude mainly with his one. Ramya joining in for a brief time adding to the staccatos gives a counter-melody. After a brief pause of violins during the piano/violin run (with gliding flute) they take over again. Tune gets better and better in Charanam. Superb finish of charanam with anu-pallavi tune. The composition gets its completion when Ramya signs in. She is the singer to look for in this generation. So much talent, but she is getting mostly western numbers, would like her to see how she fares in other genres. If at all there is any complaint, Yuvan could have pronounced some words better as there are few typos, the orchestration volume during the pallavi/charanams could have been down (it was on top of vocals sometimes) to make the lyrics more audible. 
I prefer IR's version mainly for the emotions brought out (he sings 'ஒன்றே' while Yuvan sings 'ஒன்று') and also the lyrics is more audible with Raja's voice as Yuvan's voice became so soft. Otherwise Yuvan is so good in this song even compared to his previous song (Saainthu Saainthu) and the next song (Chellam Konjum PoovE). Ramya steals the show again. Song to be preserved under the pillow all the time and taken out secretly, personally and privately when no one is around. Feels like it is only for me and so jealous if someone took it from me. It is so close to my heart right from the first listen. The song has multitude of genres, but as the lyrics states இரு ஜீவன் ஒன்றே it is fusion of two souls (Maestro and us) more than anything else.

Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth - Pablo Picasso

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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  kiru Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:51 am

V_S wrote: the orchestration volume during the pallavi/charanams could have been down (it was on top of vocals sometimes) to make the lyrics more audible. 
Its ok, if you listen to it in a good system, it will come sound right. Moreover, half the tune is with the orchestra and people should not miss it :- ) . Singers should have a easy job. Still I feel Yuvan goes flat now and then.
This is quintessential IR.. this is the intellectual property he is creating for us ..
Some detractors might say this is the same thing as NEPV, but they dont get it . this is how original music.. real genres are developed .. you have to keep at it. IR is creating a genre.. let others keep listening to samples from all over the world and give a "new sound" in every album .. We folks here listen to music .. not sound, right :-)
(Gokul .. does iTunes do lossless. otherwise I will hunt for CDs )


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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  fring151 Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:57 am

Nice review of Mugilo, V_S ji cheers . My impressions are pretty similar - Sound is fantastic, melody and orchestration top-notch. Ramya is shaping up to be a very competent singer. Sadly apart from Raja, in today's market driven music, she doesn't really have much hope of getting challenging compositions in carnatic or other genres and we might never get to see the full range of her vocal capabilities. Another noteworthy point about the song- Great lyrics! I don't often go out of the way to praise the lyricist, especially for a Raja song, but in this case I truly enjoyed the way the words perfectly fit the tune.

In addition to mugilo, which is my pick of the album, I have given 'Kalvane' and 'Chellam konjum' a few listens. It is very very hard to classify both these songs as belonging to any one genre. I can only call it 'Postmodern Raja'. Both these songs have jazz elements to them , particularly Kalvane. But then it is jazz which has undergone the necessary ritual of processing and transformation by Raja's mind. The end result is a style which sound vaguely familiar, yet bears only a skeletal similarity to the 80s, 90s or 00s Raja. This is not the Raja of Nizhalgal or Johnny, it is not the Raja of Guru(Malayalam) or even the Raja of Hey ram. Post NEPV, he is evolving yet another style, at least when he works with the Hungarian musicians. 

Kalvane has some fantastic jazzy piano work and tantalizing interludes with Raja playing his usual game of "Guess what's next" and proving yet again that this is an impossible task. The funky guitar and drumming work by the Hungarians in Chellam konjum is instantly catchy and the song is once again, surprisingly well sung by Yuvan. Overall, it is quite staggering that at 70, he continues to explore new genres and make them his own. I really hope this collaboration with the Hungarians continues and we get more such albums, hopefully even non-film Rajazz instrumental ones featuring the guitar, saxophone or trumpet. Boy, would that be a treat!


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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  kiru Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:59 am

Weakest song in the album is probably . enna vEndum .eethu vEndum.. sounds like a song from the jaganmohini movie. It did not look bad there. here it seems out of place.


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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  Balu Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:59 am

Thank to Rozavasanth மேகா ஒரு முறை, ஒரே ஒருமுறை கேட்டு விட்டேன். தொள்ளாயிரம் படத்திற்கு இசையமைத்துவிட்டு, அவை அத்தனையில் எதன் சாயல் என்று எதுவுமே இல்லாமல் எப்படி தருகிறார் என்று வியக்கும் காலம் எல்லாம் மலையேறிவிட்டது; எத்தனை முறை ஒரே மாதிரி வியப்பது! நண்பர் சரண் சொன்ன மாதிரி நீதானே என் பொன் வசந்தத்தில் ராஜாவின் 7வது அவதாரம் தொடங்குகிறது. (வகைப்படுத்தும் வசதிக்காகத்தான் இது; நமது எந்த வகைப்படுத்தலுக்கும் அடங்காத படைப்புகளை 1976இல் தொடர்ந்து படைத்து கொண்டிருக்கும் அவருக்கு உண்மையில் இது ஐயாயிரத்தி சொச்ச அவதாரம்.) எந்த சந்தேகமும் இல்லாமல் அலகிலா விளையாட்டின் அடுத்த பாகம் மேகா. இசையின் உள்நுழைந்து நிறைவாக உள்வாங்க ஒரு வாரமேனும் எனக்கு எடுக்கும். குறிப்பாக ராஜா பாடிய 'ஜீவனே..' எனக்கு ஆல்பத்தின் முக்கிய பாடலாக தெரிகிறது. இது ஒரு கண்ணை மூடி கூறும் ஊகம்தான்; சில நாட்கள் கழித்துத்தான் அந்த இசை உட்கலந்து அந்தரங்க பரிச்சயமாகும். ஆனால் முதன் முறையாக எனக்கு யுவன் பாடிய 'முகிலோ மேகமோ..' ராஜா பாடியதைவிட பிடித்திருந்தது. 'செல்லம் கொஞ்சும் பூவே..'க்கு என் பையன் பெரும் ரசிகனாகிவிட்டான்; முதன் நாளாக இன்று இதை ஒரு 10 தடவை கேட்டுவிடுவேன். ஒவ்வொரு நாளைக்கு ஒவ்வொரு பாட்டாக முக்கியபடுத்தி ஒடும்; நாளை 'கள்வனே..'. ஆனால் எல்லா பாடல்களும் ஒரே ராஜாவகையில் அடங்குவதாக எனக்கு தோன்றுகிறது. 'நீதானே என் பொன் வசந்தம்' போல ராஜாவின் பயணத்தில் ஒரு உச்சமாக, அலகிலா கூத்தாக இதை பார்க்க முடியவில்லை; இடையில் வந்துள்ள 'நாடி துடிக்குதடி'யும் பல்வேறு ராஜவகைகளை கொண்டது. கொஞ்சநாள் கோக் அது இது என்று உலவி விட்டு மீண்டு வரலாம் என்று இருந்தேன். மனுஷன் அனுமதிக்க மாட்டேன் என்கிறார்


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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  Raaga_Suresh Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:44 am

I know that if there is one guy in this forum who will definitely be happy about, it would be kiru Smile For, as @arulselvan mentioned on twitter, everything sounds so natural in this recording. The strum of the guitar, the wind instruments and especially the voices, everything is not only crystal clear but also very natural (in a way you can also hear how the singers are struggling Smile ) I don't think even NEPV has this sort of recording. This is top class and 'putham pudhu kaalai' sounds so good (ofcourse if you don't go the "SJ cannot be replaced" way)

My first observation of this album vis a vis NEPV is this: NEPV had more emotional ups and downs. When they were happy, they were very happy like in 'katrai konjam' and when they were in pain, it was very painful as in 'mudhal murai'. So many emotional ups and downs throughout the songs there. In contrast, here everything is a bit subdued, the happiness as well as sadness.

Second thing I observed is the consistency of sound throughout the album. No song feels 'out of place' in the album from a purely sound perspective. It could be because the Hungarians were used throughout. Even 'putham pudhu kaali' sounds as if it was made for this movie.

Thirdly, Attila's guitaring is a joy to hear. The notes sound crystal clear and even when is distorting, the distortion is crystal clear Smile Other instrumentalists too sound very good. The drumming is recorded perfectly. I don't think Nemec was involved in this but the drumming is very good as well. The same drummer used throughout is also one reason why the album sound is so consistent.


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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  kiru Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:47 am

@Suresh - it is just not the recordng.. the orchestration instead of being a co-star is almost the hero in these songs. mugilO is all the orchestration I have been craving for. I have been looking forward to this album since they released the teasers. I guess the impact is not that great because the audience already had a good taste of this in NEPV .. Now IR has to beat this in Balki's next movie. Probably in rudramma he will again switch tactics (like in pazhassi raja after Guru).
Re: emotions - I think saRRu munbu and mudhal murai were not really happy ones. Mugilo that way should have more acceptance.


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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  Raaga_Suresh Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:13 pm

@arulselvan in twiiter posted a series of tweets on 'Megha' and then he collected them in twitlonger. Here is the link :

Here is what he said:

just collecting my 'megha' twits for myself
இது ரொம்ப "பசங்களா தூரப்போயி வெளயாடுங்க" ஆல்பம். நீஎபொவ அளவுக்கான்னா இல்ல இது வேறே திசையில போகுது
. @rozavasanth 
திரும்பத்திரும்ப நம் ரசனை அளவைகளை இன்னொருமுறை முறை recalibrate செய்ய நிர்பந்திக்கும் ஒரே இசைக்கலைஞன்.
the sounds (both the instruments and voices) are more real more true and more closer than ever before. lovely
the bledy experimentation doesn't stop. ever.

yuvan, you have seriously grown, you know.

it will be a very good idea to include all these songs *also* and shoot nepv one more time :-)

how does one film kalvane kalvane without descending into literalism? . it is so abstract in its approach in putting the elements together

for me nepv was very rushed and this is the complementary part it skipped. fuse them i say :-)

nepv is the van gogh of music and this megha is the monet. that my dear is how they play.
of course there are no genres in raja's music. but if you want to single out the best jazz album in tamil it is this #megha
loved putham puthu 'putham puthu' not to say with added flourishes. if only some early goldies could be redone like this....
this song (jeevane) is a superb piece. shows how far raja has gone away from icm and carried wcm to the boundaries of modern jazz.
the kind of singing that refrains from showing any reference to icm and goes all out to give a floating sax like feel
if you want to imagine what kind of jazz this is just play a sax in your mind along with voice of raja in jeevane jeevane;raja class! #megha


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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  sagi Sun Aug 25, 2013 4:08 pm

Wow fantastic posts.

Is it just me or is the iTunes audio quality really not upto the mark? I don't think I ll get CDs here so I guess I should look  for lossless downloads. Sad but no other go Sad


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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  kiru Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:16 pm

Nerd wrote:Wow fantastic posts.

Is it just me or is the iTunes audio quality really not upto the mark? I don't think I ll get CDs here so I guess I should look  for lossless downloads. Sad but no other go Sad
What are you listening on ? do you listen to mp3s at all ? Quality is all relative :-) I have spotify for convenience only. My music is ripped to FLAC using ExactAudioCopy. I usually start the day with ramanamaalai or geetanjali. But today starting with mugilo :-) .. Recording is not bad with Spotify's ogg-vorbis compression. But I need the CD or FLACs.


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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  kv Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:04 pm

You hear that sound? That's Raaja laughing his rear off at all smartarse 'music reviewers' and genre & time-period pottalam katters. LOL 

Kalvane Kalvane... When the prelude started I was like 'ah, niram piriththu  pArthEn 2.0 probably!' and moments later it had me going 'ThakkAli dei! WTF?!' This is Raaja toying with the listener! I just couldn't figure out the flow of this one. The construction of the tune, the orchestration, the interludes, the shifts in ragam/scale (can some punyavAn please explain the shits in the charanams to me?)... this one's a musical roller-coaster! Gonna need a lot more listening for me to ullvAngify this song, anuanuva anubhavikkanum, rusikkanum, rasikkanum. SOTY without a shred of apprehension or doubt. the clap 

Chellam Konjum... whattay FUN! Free-flowing acoustic drumming... there, Raaja sir, you've won me already! thankyou Totally in love with this song! And again, some beautiful twists and turns in the tune and orchestration.

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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  Drunkenmunk Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:23 pm

kv wrote:You hear that sound? That's Raaja laughing his rear off at all smartarse 'music reviewers' and genre & time-period pottalam katters. LOL 
Vaango KV vaango. It takes Raaja to bring you out of slumber. udal, makkaL, isai ellaam nalama? Yes. Saw one sillyblog review and was amused world still believes in those reviews and were begging him for more words in the review rotfl namakkum vandhu vaaikkudhu paarunga.

This album is a new age Raaja delight. Like Rozavasanth says, this is Raaja 7.0. From 1976 to 2013 and still make the "kangu" burn bright which Kamal spoke of. Kalvane Kalvane. When was the last time we heard a jazz with such arrangements? Jeevane with Raaja will stay with me for a lifetime. Mugilo Megamo. IR version pwns everything in the vicinity. Enna Vendum was the weakest, not due to the music, but due to the female vocals. Musically though it is terrific. innum uLvAngaNum. Chellam Konjam's harmonies and ludes are out of the world. Putham Pudhu Kaalai sounds wonderful even with Anitha and she isn't bad too. First rushed listen la padhinja impressions. Innum kEkka kEkka lyrics, orch and their place in the overall scheme of things puriyalaam.

Already idha yellAm pala murai kEttu muduchavanga thuvanguga. I will aikkiyam aagify in the jOdhi soon.

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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  Usha Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:30 pm

paatai ellam Head phone il kaetu anubavikanam........

kaetadhum pidichadhu.. Enna vendum  edhu vendum.

Raja's beats....... very nice....... very very lovely instrumentation................  

rendu kaadhum.. nadu thalaiyum........... inimaiyana orchestration il rombi vazhinjadhu.......... inimaiyana sound il............. 

Rajavin own touch...........  indha paatil  niraiyave feel panren...............

repeated mode.


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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  kiru Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:41 pm

I am upset there are not many posts as I would like :-)
Dont worry about any reviewers .. mugilO meghamO is a song to die for ..
Better make it to #1 in all top 10 programs.. If our people dont like it .. they be damned :-)
Just open up the ears and focus not just on the vocals but also to the orchestration .. just like eating a sandwich ..bite (hear) it all together to get the full taste.
The tune has all the sangathis/nuances as in vishu-ramamoorthy or KVMs except they are played in parallel while the singer sings it plain ..
This is a classic. Even the white guys may not be able to appreciate. With our background on ICM we should be able to understand IR.


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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  app_engine Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:31 am

What is the direct link to buy the album please?
(sOmbEriththanam to search Embarassed )


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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  Drunkenmunk Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:39 am

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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  sagi Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:39 am

kiru wrote:
Nerd wrote:Wow fantastic posts.

Is it just me or is the iTunes audio quality really not upto the mark? I don't think I ll get CDs here so I guess I should look  for lossless downloads. Sad but no other go Sad
What are you listening on ? do you listen to mp3s at all ? Quality is all relative :-) I have spotify for convenience only. My music is ripped to FLAC using ExactAudioCopy. I usually start the day with ramanamaalai or geetanjali. But today starting with mugilo :-) ..  Recording is not bad with Spotify's ogg-vorbis compression. But I need the CD or FLACs.
My complaint is mainly on the volume. I have to boost it up. If I play nilAchOru (downloaded from the Internet) and M back to back, for the songs of M I have to increase the volume by at least 5 levels. I do hear all the sounds and they sound crystal clear, no complaints there. I listen from my phone connected to my car stereo via bluetooth. 

Also iTunes usually do not have their music (thamizh esp.) encoded at the highest quality possible - 320Kbps. I personally haven't checked this one but its usually 192 or 256 for thamizh films. 

Another thing is when enna vENdum ends, when they sing the last pallavi, the volume kind of fades down and goes to zero which I guess is not the intended effect.


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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  sagi Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:45 am

Posting my random, disorganized tweets on the album:

One round of listen in the car stereo, which is the best option currently. Severe louu with this soundtrack #Megha

70 வயசுக்காரர் மாதிரி நடந்துக்கவே மாட்டேங்குறார், yet again. And as expected #Megha is indeed the AOTY.

Can't understand the praise Yuvan has been receiving from Raaja fans. Thank God there is a Raaja version of mukilO. Miss NSK though.

Some great drumming in ஜீவனே ஜீவனே. But wait, யோவ்! அது சோகப்பாடல்யா. What a brilliant song. #Megha

Thought finally Haricharan and Raaja found their best match with கல்லாலே செஞ்சு வெச்ச and now this கள்வனே is even better. #Megha

கள்வனே is the SOTY as of now. The transition from the WCM opening to the jazzy pallavi is unbelievable. #WhatASong

Those millisecond pauses in the 1st interlude of kaLvanE. That's the magician teasing us. #Megha

Why Priyadarshini? And who writes sAnthuppottu and all these days? #FAIL in what is ennOdu vA vA V2.0.

This Priyadarshini sings like one பாட்டி. நீ போட்ட மந்திரோ நீ ஷெய்த தந்திரோ. Glorious misfit in an otherwise fantastic song.


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Megha / மேகா Empty Re: Megha / மேகா

Post  balachidambaram Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:11 am

Megha..It would take a long time for me to fully grasp the album.
But its very clear that its a landmark album.

I mean when the whole soundscape around Raaja has changed and Raja was doing 
albums like Virumandi, Nan Kadavul and all that which was more in his zone
(though a careful observer can see the change in soundscape even in these)
Used to wonder what would Raaja do in these new age movies.

Greatest souls do things right in frontof our eyes but we wouldntbe able 
to see them until it becomes so obvious.Mumbai express - I  heard kurangu kayil malai and was in love. 
Used to play that often in my room and friends also started loving it.
But did i realise Raaja was cooking something different. not at all

And then like a bolt from the blue he comes up with NEPV and this.
All the ingredients were being prepared and shown to us in Mumbai express,
cheeni kum, dhoni etc etc. And then bang comes these two albums which would be
like the HTNI and NBW for new age music.

NEPV was a different monster because every song belongs to a different genre.
That was a dream album. This was not a Tamil film music album. It was too much for a movie. There were so many emotions
and in different emotional extremes. The only way to picturaise those songs would be
to build a story around the songs like Vaidheki Kathirunthal than try to fit 
songs in the script. It was evident in the movie for me.

Megha goes in a different direction and has predominantly jazz and is more
of a Film Music in the sense the story is there in the songs.
There is lot of darkness, pain through out and the texture is consistent
song after song. Even Enna vendum doesnt cross a particular level of enthu.
That is why i think it is clicking more with many people than NEPV.
This is more mass than NEPV.Credit should go to the director for that.

One thing is clear. Raaja is in no mood to relax and has shifted a gear or two
in recent times. This is playtime.


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