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ராசா பாட்டுக்கு ரெண்டு அடி கொடுப்போம்

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Post  app_engine Thu Feb 14, 2019 8:04 am

Though it had been more than a week since I promised to post yet another comment on 'poonguyilE', I could not find the appropriate time and mood.

Now that I've got another couplet (for another classic), I need to complete my obligation before indulging in another song...

Let me do the honors for the Mano-Minmini number...

Like I said, it has to be "tweet-like" collection of thoughts, those I got during the long drive with that song on repeat (i.e. in addition to what I've already posted on various threads about the classic)...

#1  As mentioned in the couplet, the second interlude is equivalent of a peak on bed Embarassed  i.e. when the wind instrument (flute or recorder) hits the high note, it is the description of "chAnakyar-kowdilyar" aka Mr sANdilyan - who wrote in a modern thodar in vikatan where the hero plays tennis and all (unlike his historical novels)..."சம்பந்தத்தால் களைத்துப்போன சதிபதிகள் இருவரும்..." - that beautifully describes the portion of strings that follows Smile

#2 வைரமுத்து அந்த ஒரு நிமிடத்தில் சொன்னார் "வல்லினங்கள் வாய் வலிக்கும்" rotfl That is so strongly disproved in this song. How? Please pay attention to the pallavi where there is a series of vallinam based words (interestingly, the first one even conveys a "negative" thought -போச்சு - and that portion is becoming my most fav part of the song - simply because of the terrific alukkal-kulukkal (is it vibrato?) - most enjoyable part, with all vallinam based -  போச்சு - ஆச்சு - வீச்சு - பேச்சு, sweetest! Laughing

Please listen to the song here, also watch the nice video:

(Those sevvaraLi plants remind me of the village "Ariya nalloor" near Dindigul where my aththai - நல்லம்மாள், அவங்க வீட்டுக்காரர் பேரு "நல்லு" என்பதால் தங்கம்மாள் என்று மாற்றி விட்டார்கள் - lived! I spent there few of my childhood holidays plucking flowers Smile )

#3 When the song starts, I hear Mano singing somewhat differently from how Minmini sings later "பூங்குயிலைப் பூங்குயிலே கேளு" is what it sounds to me Smile Quite interesting! We all know that the song is a "குயில் விடு தூது" - means, nightingale is the messenger in conveying the love; in addition, this phrase sounds quite interesting that the girl is also "another" nightingale Smile It sounds like, "hEy nightingale, can you please ask the cuckoo?" - so sweet!

Well, I'll keep getting more things (some imaginations / speculations / dreaming) out of this song, as I keep listening to this...sure to have more posts on this classic from time to time!

One of the GOAT songs of IR!


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Post  app_engine Thu Feb 14, 2019 8:37 am

Now that poonguyilE is posted about, let me focus on the next song - which happened to be the FIRST song that I mentioned to Mr Jayachandran when he interviewed me for Maestros App Smile

That terrific 7 beat cycle misra nadai number - and I happened to watch that classic of a movie (i.e. beyond the first hour) today!


ஏழடிச்சுழற்சி கொண்டு என்னை வீழ்த்திட்டார்
வீழடா காலில் என்றார்

Song : Ayiram malargaLE malarungaL (niRam mARAdha pookaL, a movie I watched today for the first time)

Rough translation :
He floored me with the seven-beat-cycle, even asking me to prostrate before the song!

What a lovely number - should I elaborate more?


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Post  app_engine Fri Feb 22, 2019 7:25 am


ஆடவனைப் பாடவைக்க அம்மம்மா முயலுகிறார்
நாடவைத்து ஆடவைக்கும் பாடல் 

Song: varuvAy anbE tharuvAy onRu (garjanai)

Rough translation : AhA mother (or mother's mother Laughing ) is trying to teach the male singer how to sing - but the song endears us & makes us dance Smile

This song is on YET ANOTHER repeat run on my drives for the past few days, as in the past. I can easily get lost in the extra specials that our ஏழிசையின் பேரழகி keeps throwing at us - simply mesmerizing!

What a song! Yes, what a song! And, of course, those bass guitar stuff - அய்யோ, அய்யய்யோ, ராசாவையும் அந்த கிடார் இசைக்கலைஞரையும் அப்படியே கட்டிப்பிடிச்சுக்கொஞ்சணும் என்று தோன்றும்!

Interestingly, I don't remember seeing the video of this song ever before - I possibly watched it for the first time today (on youtube of course) and it's not just Rajini-Madhavi; there's also salangai oli Geetha in this song, with another guy Shocked

Those who want to listen to just the audio, use this link:


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Post  app_engine Thu Feb 28, 2019 4:56 am


முடியுமானால் இன்றே, இந்த இரவிலேயே இந்தப்பாடல் குறித்துப் பத்து இரண்டடி (முழு அதிகாரம்) எழுத வேண்டும்!

தொடக்கமாகக் கொஞ்சம் மலையாளம் கொஞ்சும் செய்யுள் Smile

வெள்ளமது உள்ளில் சென்னால் (சென்றால்) வேண்டுமுடன்
காற்றினில் வருமெந்தன் கீதம்!

It is not difficult to guess the song, considering the second line of the couplet - yes, of course it is the Johny number featuring the GOAT combo of ஏழிசையின் பேரழகி + Sridevi Smile

Rough translation : "If liquid (diet) goes inside me, then immediately I need this song - kAtril endhan geetham" Laughing

Do I even need to explain that?


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