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IR's trip to USA

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IR's trip to USA Empty Re: IR's trip to USA

Post  Hmm Sat Aug 20, 2016 1:51 pm

Drunkenmunk wrote:
As one can note, this one is a fugue. Raaja has spoken of how he played this to Paul Mariat and the latter was engrossed. This extract is from Raaja's autobiographical Sangeetha Kanavugal, which he wrote for Kumudham in 1983 post a European and American trip. அப்பவே இத கம்போஸ் செஞ்சுட்டாரு though he released it with HTNI in 1986 only. He himself mentions it being set to Mayamalawagowlai: (in fact, the hyperlink to MMMF in this blogpost takes us to the chalanaattai piece only  Mad Evil or Very Mad அவ்வளவு ஊரிருக்கு. That track in Chalanaattai is in fact called Don't Compare).

I have read ilayaraja's meeting with Paul maruiat(from isaignanibakthan.blogspot) , i am also eager to know his trip to America, i hope IR would discussed his trip to America too in some book which he had written, can you please post the excerpts of this, I am quite enthusiased to know whom did IR meet in USA and what was their response to his music. So kindly post it. Many would enjoy reading that.


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IR's trip to USA Empty Re: IR's trip to USA

Post  app_engine Sat Aug 20, 2016 2:38 pm

As a youth who read 'sangeethakkanavugaL' when it came in kumudam as a series for a few weeks (that included his meeting with Paul Mauriat / "en nAdha dEvan Bach" photo etc), I don't remember any details about his amerikkA visit in that particular series Embarassed

It must have been another trip in 80's. If there's an account about that, me too want to read Smile


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IR's trip to USA Empty New usa trip topic

Post  Hmm Sun Aug 21, 2016 12:23 pm

app_engine wrote:As a youth who read 'sangeethakkanavugaL' when it came in kumudam as a series for a few weeks (that included his meeting with Paul Mauriat / "en nAdha dEvan Bach" photo etc), I don't remember any details about his amerikkA visit in that particular series Embarassed

It must have been another trip in 80's. If there's an account about that, me too want to read Smile
I guess IR would have written this USA trip experience in some book, i plead some members to share its excerpts.


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IR's trip to USA Empty IR's trip to USA

Post  Hmm Sun Aug 21, 2016 2:22 pm

somebody please share the excerpt from IR book where he shared about his trip to Europe and USA, regarding his trip to Europe and meeting with paul mauriat i have already read the excerpts, now eagerly waiting for some Member to post about his trip to USA from IR article/book.


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IR's trip to USA Empty Re: IR's trip to USA

Post  Drunkenmunk Mon Aug 22, 2016 10:07 am

Hmm wrote:somebody please share the excerpt from IR book where he shared about his trip to Europe and USA, regarding his trip to Europe and meeting with paul mauriat i have already read the excerpts, now eagerly waiting for some Member to post about his trip to USA from IR article/book.
I have the book in my home in Chennai and I am Hyderabad based now. Will be visiting Chennai sometime in the first week of September. Shall share screenshots from the book from the USA portion.

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IR's trip to USA Empty Re: IR's trip to USA

Post  Hmm Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:15 pm

Drunkenmunk wrote:
Hmm wrote:somebody please share the excerpt from IR book where he shared about his trip to Europe and USA, regarding his trip to Europe and meeting with paul mauriat i have already read the excerpts, now eagerly waiting for some Member to post about his trip to USA from IR article/book.
I have the book in my home in Chennai and I am Hyderabad based now. Will be visiting Chennai sometime in the first week of September. Shall share screenshots from the book from the USA portion.
Thank you, would eagerly waiting for it.


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