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"பொற்கிழி" வகையான பாடல்கள் - songs praising individuals involved

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"பொற்கிழி" வகையான பாடல்கள் - songs praising individuals involved Empty "பொற்கிழி" வகையான பாடல்கள் - songs praising individuals involved

Post  app_engine Wed Aug 22, 2018 6:02 pm

I've just made use of the word "பொற்கிழி" for fun - actually, 100% of films songs are for money only (unless they have been borrowed from old classics or "nationalized" works such as that of Bharathiyar etc.).

It is simply to invoke the historical reference - of a poor poet coming to the king, sing something in praise of him with a sole aim of earning a few gold coins in a torn piece of cloth (துணியைக் கிழித்து, அதனுள் பொற்காசுகளை முடிந்து / பொதிந்து கொடுக்கப்பட்டதால் தான் பொற்கிழி என்று பெயராம்) Smile

There are many such songs (e.g. Vaali had been well-known for lavish praise on people involved, such as MGR, in many songs he had written).

Let us talk about such numbers where there is direct / indirect reference to a real-life-individual (even though the movie situation is NOT directly in reference to the person, as in the case of a biopic.)

A very simple example of "பொற்கிழிப்பாடல்" is 'rAjA rAjAthi rAjan indha rAjA' - which Vaali wrote in direct praise of Ilayaraja (while the movie story or situation is not about Ilayaraja at all).


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"பொற்கிழி" வகையான பாடல்கள் - songs praising individuals involved Empty Re: "பொற்கிழி" வகையான பாடல்கள் - songs praising individuals involved

Post  app_engine Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:17 pm

That I posted about Vaali in the opening post does not automatically mean that EVERY SONG that got done in TFM in this variety had been by him Embarassed  (though he is more infamous for such kind of songs).

Let me showcase a Pulamaippiththan number here - one of the biggest political & (shameless) praising song for MGR - நீங்க நல்லா இருக்கோணும் நாடு முன்னேற (இதயக்கனி) - this song compares MGR to Cauvery river itself Laughing (and shows the river in the thogaiyaRA, leading to the intro of MGR)

Music : MSV

Feel free to watch the interesting video here (I'm not going to reproduce the hopeless lyrics in this thread, for any of these பொற்கிழி style songs) :


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