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can someone help me

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can someone help me  Empty can someone help me

Post  hactor2018 Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:29 pm

hey guys can help me to find the name for this song
i want to know whats is name of the song and the moive

https:// www watch ?v=FGRMthV81pk

the song starts  at 12.16  or 12.19 please help

just delete space from the link


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Join date : 2018-08-07

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can someone help me  Empty Re: can someone help me

Post  app_engine Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:51 pm

hactor2018 wrote:

the song starts  at 12.16  or 12.19 please help

If this is the song you mean (at 12:16 of the above youtube that is) :

It is "தாமிரபரணி ஆறு இது தரையில் நடக்கும் தேரு" (thAmirabharaNi ARu idhu tharaiyil nadakkum thEru, SJ-SPB, movie : sOlaiyammA says the internet and the MD is Deva).


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can someone help me  Empty yes it is thank you mr very much

Post  hactor2018 Tue Aug 07, 2018 11:35 pm

yes it is  thank you mr very much  Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy


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