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Directors who worked for ONLY ONE FILM with IR

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Directors who worked for ONLY ONE FILM with IR - Page 3 Empty Re: Directors who worked for ONLY ONE FILM with IR

Post  app_engine Fri Oct 07, 2016 11:15 pm

M G Vallabhan obituary thread in


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Directors who worked for ONLY ONE FILM with IR - Page 3 Empty Re: Directors who worked for ONLY ONE FILM with IR

Post  app_engine Fri Oct 07, 2016 11:28 pm

Following are the 28 songs listed in Anbu sir's spreadsheet as those by M G Vallaban:
(Those tfmpage days - we didn't have good database, so some incorrect info in that thread)

1. sOlaikkuyilE (poNNu oorukku pudhusu)

2. nee kaNNil vAzhum mannan (agal viLakku)

3. AgAya gangai (dharma yudhdham)

4 & 5. meenkodiththEril (karumbu vil, 2 versions)

6. gnAn gnAn pAdaNam (poonthaLir)

7 & 8. theeththakkarai thanilE (thaippongal, 2 versions)

9. kaN malargaLin azhaippidhazh (thaippongal)

10. thAnE sadhirAdum mAlai veyil vELai (thaippongal)

11. pani vizhum poo nilavil (thaippongal)

12. nAn pAda (uthirippookkaL)

13. poomEla veesum poongAtRE (echchil iravugaL)

14. thendRalidai thOraNangaL (EVK)

15. mAlai veyil pAdum (panchami)

16. kAlai nErakkAtRE (Bhagavathipuram Railway Gate)

17. arisi kuththum akkA magaLE (maN vAsanai)

18. mounamE nenjil nALum (uRangAdha ninaivugaL)

19. naRumaNa malargaLin (uRangAdha ninaivugaL)

20. thenRalO theeyO (rAgangaL mARuvadhillai)

21. kalyAnachchElai unadhAgum nALai (ambikai nEril vandhAL)

22. poovE panippoovE (nilavu suduvadhillai)

23. unnaikkANum nEram nenjam (unnai nAn sandhiththEn)

24. mella mella ennaiththottu (vAzhkkai)

25. orE rAgam orE thALam orE pAdal pAda vA (amudha gAnam)

26. manasAlE meenAtchi (pudhiya theerppu)

27. ennOdu pAttu pAdungaL (udhaya geetham)

28. pattikkAttu pAppA vandhArAm (iLaiya rAgam)

Many of the above songs were big hits!


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Directors who worked for ONLY ONE FILM with IR - Page 3 Empty Re: Directors who worked for ONLY ONE FILM with IR

Post  V_S Fri Oct 07, 2016 11:41 pm

Yes I still remember the good old radio days where they announce the lyricist names without fail. M.G Vallaban is no more Sad, but this songs will be forever.

Thanks a lot Inba sir for the complete list and tfmpage links. Nice to know our old timers of tfmpage as always.

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Directors who worked for ONLY ONE FILM with IR - Page 3 Empty Re: Directors who worked for ONLY ONE FILM with IR

Post  app_engine Sat Oct 08, 2016 6:19 am

Some observations related to MGV + that tfmpage thread:

1. Though he failed as a director (thaippongal), it seems he did screenplay / dialog for a few silver jubilee hits later on. (udhayageetham, for example)

2. There is a comment in that thread (by Mythila Smile ) crediting 'malargaLilE' to MGV  - it is actually by Gangai Amaran.

3. Some close relatives of MGV commented there (including one Archana, possibly his daughter defending his dad negating a false news report)

4. It seems he was primarily a journalist - editor of filmAlayA and involved in some other periodicals


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Directors who worked for ONLY ONE FILM with IR - Page 3 Empty Re: Directors who worked for ONLY ONE FILM with IR

Post  mythila Wed Oct 12, 2016 10:23 pm

Hey app sir, you are an amazing IR gold dredge machine Smile as Saravanan sir,  for TFM.
Thank you for unearthing this forgotten relic . I love most of the songs penned by the late MGV, with 'Agaaya ganfai", "malargaLiLE" being my most favored ones. 
Thanks to V_S for bringing out such hidden facts to light when our TV channels are tirelessly showing the same high volume box office successes excessively.


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Directors who worked for ONLY ONE FILM with IR - Page 3 Empty Re: Directors who worked for ONLY ONE FILM with IR

Post  app_engine Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:12 pm

mythila wrote:Hey app sir, you are an amazing IR gold dredge machine Smile as Saravanan sir,  for TFM.
Thank you for unearthing this forgotten relic . I love most of the songs penned by the late MGV, with 'Agaaya ganfai", "malargaLiLE" being my most favored ones. 
Thanks to V_S for bringing out such hidden facts to light when our TV channels are tirelessly showing the same high volume box office successes excessively.

nanRi, for the kind words Smile

As pointed out in my post above, 'malargaLilE ArAdhanai' was penned by Gangai Amaran & not MGV. (MGV did meenkodiththEril in that album).


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